Saturday, January 23, 2010


In our World today knowledge is so Important it is because the youth of today, compared to the knowledge of our parents and our grand parents. Today's knowlegde it is important to our young generations because of these new technologies around us. But inspite of All these technology there are also countries who don't have these and contenue to there economic's crisis. no food to eat for there daily lives people are in deep sorrows and poverty is all around us.
But why is this happening in our World today? is it because of our Government status or because of our corruption's going on to there countries? or is it because people who are setting in the Governments are not doing there job as they promised to the people whom they did make a promised to. or may be because the government official indeed making there life a better place for there own sake and not the sake of those who are really needy. if you just think for a moment and ask yourself a Question? what is going on around us, ? is this the sign of Armagedon or the end of this World? or may be we can help first our country before other part's of the Globe. A good Government in our time is to help first your country before other's. creating more job like for example a place for those who are homeless affordable housing for low income people like those who are sing parent's.
Increasing job security and the benefit's of those people who fight for our countries like The First and second WW II. giving them their long waited pension before they will die, allowing their family first to be first in line to have a chance to leave as American life style. Instead of spending to much money for those wars which is not even our Wars at first. it is good to have a good heart to help other countries as long as our countrymen are in good health and have a home. an stable jobs for those who are in low income families, and increase for those who have disabilities with respected income and health insurance. a basic of studies of needy people where you can put them into a care home, all these have a lot of meaning if you really thinking about the American Dream of life's style. Rich people are also helping those who are less fortunate with there own money and wealth that's good for them. all i know that if you really work hard and knows your priorities in life you will succeed what ever you do. don't be greedy about your wealth because all these is nothing come the day of Judgement.

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